September 09, 2004

War-crazed, Gun-crazed, Profit-crazed

Fattened by record government spending and the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the US military-industrial complex is now relishing the possibilities of a never-ending "war on - ahem! -..." ( you know). So you might hope that they would show a little restraint, a little mercy on the poor shmucks whose taxpayer dollars are keeping their factories ticking over day and night.

But no. Their point man in the White House - despite 2000 election promises - is doing diddley squat to stop the Monday midnight expiration of a ten-year ban on the "any-model-goes" marketing of military assault-style weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.

Today's editorial at the Washington Post slams Bush for "failing to lift a finger":
"No sporting shooter needs to own these weapons, no criminal should find them so easily on the market, no kids should face them in their schools. To stand by and allow a flood of assault weapons into the wrong hands makes no sense. Instead of drying up the supply, manufacturers will be given the official go-ahead to increase the gross domestic arsenal. Why won't the president act? "

Postscript: Of course, in an effort to be "fair and balanced", the Post then feels obliged to publish crap like this. There seems to be a concerted effort by some sections of the media now to paint Kerry as a Loser, just as happened to Howard Dean.

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