July 24, 2005

Are You Too Sick Of This Yet?

Henry Waxman lists 11 separate incidents where Plame's CIA identity appears to have been leaked. Can you imagine if Fitzgerald's inquiry nails Rove, Condi, Libby, and the whole damn lot of them, including Miller?

Meanwhile, again from Hunter, it seems the sodomizing of detained children is unduly infringing on the president's fight against terrorists.
...on one hand, the Bush administration is frantically blocking the release of the photographic proof of the most horrific war crimes committed in U.S. military-run prisons.

On the other hand, the Bush administration is simultaneously threatening to veto any attempts by McCain, Graham or others to establish even rudimentary rules banning such torture -- or even investigating the torture already documented.
Hunter links to these former reports from NBC/Boston Herald:
The unreleased images show American soldiers beating one prisoner almost to death, apparently raping a female prisoner, acting inappropriately with a dead body, and taping Iraqi guards raping young boys, according to NBC News.

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said the scandal is "going to get worse" and warned that the most "disturbing" revelations haven't yet been made public.

"The American public needs to understand, we're talking about rape and murder here," he said. "We're not just talking about giving people a humiliating experience; we're talking about rape and murder and some very serious charges."
And Seymour Hersh:
The women were passing messages saying "Please come and kill me, because of what's happened". Basically what happened is that those women who were arrested with young boys/children in cases that have been recorded. The boys were sodomized with the cameras rolling. The worst about all of them is the soundtrack of the boys shrieking.

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