October 12, 2005

Innerestink Speckoolashuns

In the wake of the Hurricane Katrina disaster (the one in the White House, in this case) I couldn't help wondering if Bush's failure to respond was a result of Karl Rove being holed up with kidney stones. Then I started wondering if there was even more to it... What if Rove was so pissed about PlameGate (and/or other major cock-ups, like Iraq and Bush's plummeting poll numbers) that he and Bush had a falling out? If so, did the falling out happen before or after Katrina? Maybe Rove just abandoned Bush for a while? Maybe that was his way to teach "Boy" George a little lesson about who's really the boss?

But here's another interesting line of speculation courtesy of Attytood - maybe it's really Bush and Cheney who have had the falling out?

Or is it Rove and Cheney, the real power-brokers? Or Rove and Libby, both of whom are now being fingered in the Fitzgerald enquiry? Or maybe the whole White House is busy pointing fingers at one another...???

Bush nomination of Harriet Miers suggests that Bush may still going it alone for the time being...

UPDATE: More speculation that Miers was not Rove's pick, as widely reported, comes via Slate:
Time quotes a "presidential adviser" who says Karl Rove was not very involved in the decision to nominate Miers, but that White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card was. "Andy knew it would appeal to the President because he loves appointing his own people and being supersecret and stealthy about it," says the source, who claims that the decision has exacerbated tension between Card and Rove.

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