July 12, 2003

I recently heard George W's team labelled a "faith-based administration". It is a good description of their headstrong attitudes, their inability to admit error, their simplistic reading of events and their overly public expressions of religious devotion.

Bush again invoked the Almighty while pledging AIDS support in Africa: "I believe God has called us into action." This is the same "God" who Bush claims urged him to smite Saddam, so he smote him.

Back on home soil, Democrat front-runner Howard Dean summed up the current mess of lies:

"This is a serious credibility problem," he said, "and it's a lot deeper than just the Iraq-Niger deal, it has to do with assertions by the secretary of defense that he knew where weapons were that turned out not to be there, it has to do with assertions by the vice president there was a nuclear program that turned out not to exist, and assertions made by the president himself, not just about the acquisition of uranium, but also about the ability of [deposed Iraqi President] Saddam [Hussein] to use chemical weapons on the United States. We need a full-blown public investigation."

While Australians believe this is all sounding like "Children Overboard" II, Dean is already comparing it to Watergate and says Bush is already starting to "throw people over the side" before his ship of state sinks.


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