July 28, 2003

Let's Blame The Coloured People!

Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice have undoubtedly worked hard to reach their positions of prominence within the Bush administration. But it looks like they are going to end up as Dubya's scapegoats, a situation which could set race relations and Equal Opportunity employment programs in the US back 15 years.

Powell's reputation has suffered irrepairable damage since he stood in front of the United Nations and presented a case for war that was mostly based on an outdated and discredited university research paper. How embarrassment! Maybe Powell should have run for President himself, when he had the chance, instead of taking orders from a dim-witted Son Of an A#$*&le.

But Rice - who told CNN on September 8th that "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud" - now looks set to take the big heat. She was the first administration official to point the finger at CIA Director George Tenet. Her underling, Stephen J. Hadley, then tried to blame himself for failing to remember CIA warnings. But now all the fingers are pointing at "Condi".

In reference to a National Intelligence Estimate report that she may never have even read, Rice said: "Now, if there were doubts about the underlying intelligence to that NIE, those doubts were not communicated to the president, to the vice president, or to me." She could almost have gotten away with that, except that someone within the Bush administration cleared release of an NIE report which states that the government was "lacking persuasive evidence that Baghdad has launched a coherent effort to reconstitute its nuclear weapons program." Bush insiders are now making it known that they blame Rice for failing to cover the Residential ass.

How bad is Condi, really? Is she truly incompetent, or is she just B.A.D? Maybe both, judging by this telling quote from a July 11th briefing:

"I'm going to be very clear, all right? The president's speech -- that sentence (i.e. the "sixteen words" on Niger nukes) was changed, right? And with the change in that sentence, the speech was cleared. Now, again, if the agency (i.e. the CIA who she was trying to blame) had wanted that sentence out, it would have gone. And the agency did not say that they wanted that speech out -- that sentence out of the speech. They cleared the speech. Now, the State of the Union is a big speech, a lot of things happen. I'm really not blaming anybody for what happened..."

As the increasingly wonderful Washington Post reports, "Three days later, then-White House press secretary Ari Fleischer said Rice told him she was not referring to the State of the Union address, as she had indicated, but to Bush's October speech. That explanation, however, had a flaw: The sentence was removed from the October speech, not cleared."

The question is, will Rice now take the blame for Generallisimo El Busho, or will she talk? It is hard to believe she concocted all these smokescreens unless it was on the orders - or at least the very strong encouragement - of her boss. "Lissen now, Condee, we wanna get all the dirt we can on this Saddam guy, y'unnerstand? Are you with us or agin' us?"

C'mon, Condi, for the sake of all the people who once believed in you - SPILL THE BEANS!!!


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