September 08, 2004

Don't Give Up On People's Basic Humanity

The following is a copy of an email I sent to Cythia Tucker after reading her latest article at WorkingForChange. It may not be politically expedient to talk of "peace, love and happiness" right now, but I believe it is ultimately the only way forward. Democrats should not allow Bush to frame the debate on anti-terrorism in these overly simplistic "good-versus-evil" terms.


I was saddened to read your article today claiming that:
"The security Americans have long known on these shores is gone -- at least for my lifetime. (I can only hope that future generations will regain it.) Americans will have to get used to living more like Israelis..."
Please don't fall for the lies. Bush says the terrorists "hate us for who we are". He says they "hate freedom." This attitude underlies the whole bogus "war on (ahem!)..." (you know).

It is simply not true. There is good and bad in everyone, even "terrorists". These supposedly "evil" people are committing atrocities for reasons they consider valid, against an enemy they themselves consider "evil".

Instead of spending billions putting up walls, desperately guarding against the "bomb-in-the-suitcase" scenario, the USA needs to start building diplomatic bridges with such oppressed peoples, most particularly the Palestinians. The USA needs to admit past errors, lies and injustices - then set about making reparations.

Take away the reasons for terrorism and you do more to increase the safety of the average American than billions of dollars in defence spending will ever achieve. Treat the disease, not the symptoms.



While writing the email, I started imagining a Batman-style cartoon where - instead of fighting the "bad" guys, killing them or catching them and putting them in jail forever more, as usually happens in such cartoons - the hero enages the protagonists in dialogue, gains an understanding of their problems and motivations for violent action, then creates an environment where their problems are resolved and the urge toward violence disappears. The "bad" guys say thanks, and apologise for losing their cool. Would anyone every buy such boring nonsense?

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