September 01, 2004

Gandhi Goes Job-hunting

So here I am looking through the job advertisements online, thinking that anything has gotta be better than the crap I do for a living, when I notice how many Defence Department jobs seem to be available. Hey, I figure, if I was stupid enough and young enough and desperate enough, I might even be tempted to go for something like that...

Of course, those jobs are just advertised online to make sure the government "Job Vacancies" statistics look good. But it gets me thinking about the poor bastards sweating to death out there in the desert sands of Iraq, ordinary kids who took up an offer just as seemingly innocent as what I'm looking at right now.

Then I flick over to the Los Angeles Times:
"Although attention in recent weeks has focused on Najaf, where U.S. forces battled Shiite Muslim militiamen, most of the deadly confrontations for American troops in newly independent Iraq have occurred in the Baghdad area and the so-called Sunni Triangle to the north and west.

The concentration of attacks in those areas is a reminder that the fiercest and most organized opposition to U.S. forces and the U.S.-backed interim government continues to be in Sunni-dominated cities, such as Falluja. Nationwide, U.S. forces are being attacked 60 times per day on average, up 20% from the three-month period before the hand-over... Ubiquitous graffiti denouncing the continued occupation indicate that insurgents see little change in their enemy - U.S. troops and their Iraqi allies."

Thank God I'm not that younger, not that stupid, and not that desperate.

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