November 11, 2005


This baby is a victim of chemical weapons used by US forces in the Falluja Massacre.

That's it folks, I am out of words...

To George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and all those in this abyssmally corrupt, war-mongering administration, look well.

These are the burned-out eyes that will stare back at you through eternity. This is an image that should be plastered over the walls, floors and roofs of your jail cells, so that one day you might sense the pain and sorrow I feel today.

This is what you have wrought. This is why you are hated.

To the neocon fools who arrogantly boasted about creating new realities, look well.

This is the reality your twisted lies have created.

This is why you are hated.

To all my fellow Australians, who voted for John Howard despite knowledge of his war crimes, look well.

This is the price people pay for your coveted tax cuts and your low mortgage interest rates.

This is why we are hated.

I have no more words. All the evidence anyone could ever need to convict those responsible for this baby's death is already contained in the thousands of URLs in this blog, and many others like it. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. Words are no longer enough.

It is time for action.

To all those stupid, ignorant Americans who voted for George W. Bush not just once, but twice, look well.

This is the price the world pays for your ignorance. This is why you are hated.

Get out of your house now and go and do something about it. Take a bus to Washington and camp outside the White House and do not come home again until these criminals are removed from office.

Then make sure the machine they built is destroyed: the hypocritical evangelical Christians who advocate war, lies and torture; the industrial-military machine and its network of fat lobbyists; the pro-Israeli think-tanks stacked with ideologues; the media empires spouting frothy lies and daily war anthems laced with fear; the cozy groupthink political sycophants and the masses of dumb, fat-ass, uneducated, USA Number One Whoo Hoo cheer-led imbeciles who let it all happen again and again and again.


No more words. It's time for action.


Winter Patriot said...

Powerful stuff. Thank you very much.

Jaraparilla said...

Sorry, WP - that's it. I am out of here.

Some right-wing Zionist scum are trying to pretend that this is nothing. For shame. My comment:

Whatever you say, Falluja was a massacre.

Whatever you say, countless innocents in Falluja were killed by indiscriminate US fire.

Was this Iraqi baby’s face burned off by white phosphorous, by chemicals mixed with WP, by other weapons fired by US troops, or by fire started by WP that ignited her clothes or her house during the assault???

Let’s not pretend that you even care, OK?

This is what you rabid war-mongers shrug off as “collateral damage”.

The use of incendiary weapons like WP is probibited under a section of the Geneva Convention which the hypocritical, war-mad USA refuses to even sign.

You might not really care about this. You might shrug away the WMD lies, the massacres, whatever. But the rest of the world is watching. We see your hypocrisy. We do not believe your lies.

What are you really fighting for???

The wingnuts' supportsers are much reduced these days, not without reason.

Here is my final post to ITM:

Where are the screaming whordes of militant Americans who promised the Fadhil brothers that "we will never abandon you, never"? It's more thatn a little quiet in here these days, isn't it?

Where are the comments? Where is the commitment? Where is the love?

Where are the 90% approval ratings for El Busho Loco?

Where are the WMDs?

Where are the millions of dollars gone missing in Iraq?

Where is the promised democracy and stability?

Where are the Niger Nukes?

Where are the GOP votes?

Where is Karl Rove? Where's Cheney? Where's Rumsfled? Where's Condi? All gone AWOL...

Where's Ali Fadhil? Still not on the list of friendly blogs, I see... To lose a war is unfortunate, to lose a brother is a tragedy.

Where's Saddam? Still not convicted in a fair (even pseudo-democratic) court of law. Is it because no such thing can possibly exist in today's Occupied Iraq?

Where's Osama?

Where are the charges against those detained in Gitmo? Where are the convictions? Where is the proof?

Where is the USA's moral authority to mould the world in its own image? Where is the light on the hill, the beacon in the darkness?

And you who cheered these fools along. Where is your morality? Where is your personal integrity? What did you trade for your soul? Was it worth it, in the end?

Bye, folks.

Wadard said...

And where will it end?

mikevotes said...


elendil said...

Yes, I think this is how radicalisation happens. If I can feel it now, I shudder to think the rage that this and many more images and events are formenting as we speak.


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