November 23, 2005

Those Other Satellite Images

While Europeans search for satellite images that can cast light on the movement of the USA's secret rendition flights to outsourced torture centres, Jacob Weisberg covers the Cheney lies and reminds us of another component of the WMD case that has gotten little attention, those old claims of "fresh activity" around Saddam's known nuclear sites:
A draft paper produced by Andrew Card's White House working group on Iraq, and cited in the 2003 Post article, was characteristically distorted. The document inaccurately attributed to U.N. arms inspectors the claim that satellite photographs showed signs of reconstruction and acceleration of Iraq's nuclear program. It went on to quote something chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix told Time: "You can see hundreds of new roofs in these photos." But the White House paper left out the second half of Blix's quote: "[B]ut you don't know what's under them." In February 2003, American inspectors visited those sites as part of U.N. teams and saw that nuclear bombs weren't being made at them. But Bush officials acted as if such counterevidence didn't exist.
The story includes a link to some good cartoons, for all you folks out there who need to lighten up a bit!


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