November 05, 2003

Here's Looking At YOU, Ronnie...

Some clever bugger has made a documentary which shows Ron and Nancy Reagan, warts and all. Asked about AIDS, Ronnie apparently says "They that live in sin shall die in sin." Nancy pleads with him but he refuses to say more on the subject. Certainly nothing about children in Africa who are denied access to expensive US medicines that could save their lives.

The documentary was scheduled for CBS but they have pulled the plug after extreme pre-screening outrage from die-hard Republicans across the US. As most people know, Reagan is now suffering from Alzheimers Disease. But is that the real reason why the show is causing such controversy? Matt Drudge claims there is a scene where Reagan says, "I am the antichrist." Now surely that must be of passing interest to the religious right?

Here's a thought to all those who have sought to have the show canned: would't it be better to see it yourself before you start screaming? Are you afraid of the truth? If Reagan's foibles are just the result of Alzheimers, surely that will become clear, sooner or later. And if that happens, any any looney Democrats looking to score points will end up shooting themseves in the foot, right?

Matt Drudge expects that the show will be screened on Showtime anyway, so the truth, as they say, will out.

(P.S. - yes, Virginia. There is an image tag! Cool, eh?)


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