November 01, 2005

BushWorld: It's Gonna Get Even Uglier

So now we know. The Bush Boyz are circling the wagons, appealing to their right-wing base, and it's gonna get very, very ugly.

Bush today nominated a wingnut dream candidate, Samuel "Scalito" Alito, to the Supreme Court. At the same time, Dick Cheney is replacing Irve Libby with David S. Addington (author of the infamous "torture memo"), and is also promoting long-time insider John P. Hannah. Both are fully complicit in the WMD lies and PlameGate:
Along with Mr. Libby, Mr. Addington and Mr. Hannah have been key members of the vice presidential staff and played significant roles in building the case for the war in Iraq.

Though not referred to by name, the two are mentioned in the indictment as having taken part in discussions about former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV and his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, the C.I.A. officer whose public identification led to the charges against Mr. Libby, who is charged with obstruction of justice and perjury in the C.I.A. leak case.
And as Jan Frel reports, Addington is a member of the Unitary Executive school of thought, which basically grants the US President dictatorial powers based on a couple of words in the Constitution:
Several scholars have recently rearticulated the "unitary executive theory" of Article II [of the Constitution], arguing that Article II vests the power to execute federal law solely in the President of the United States. Unitarians do not maintain that the President must personally execute all laws; Congress may establish an administrative bureaucracy and identify particular officials to assist the President in carrying out legislatively prescribed tasks. But, unitarians argue, such officials must always remain subject to the President's direction.
This at a time when Gitmo detainee David Hicks claims he was tortured aboard a US ship, but the USA tells the UN that it's not torture if it doesn't happen on US soil!

Can anybody say UBERMENSCHEN?

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