August 27, 2003

Right back at you...

The double-speak is fascinating. It's almost as if Bush' speech-writers are taking the most powerful words used against him, giving them a twist and turning them into sound-bites for their own propaganda. At worst, it confuses the TV-watching voters of the USA (and when things become too complicated, they switch channels). At best, it gives these TV-watchers the impression that these words are somehow "Good" things. That George is taking care of business.

When he was accused of "revisionism" for manipulating the truth to cover up lies about the reasons for attacking Iraq, Bush labelled his critics "historical revisionists."

Now, when his administration's failure to think beyond military victory in Iraq has plummeted much of that country into anarchic chaos, he tells us that "No nation can be neutral in the struggle between civilization and chaos." As if the chaos surrounding the US servicemen in Baghdad has itself become the enemy. As if the terrorists are the ones to blame for the chaos, not him.

"Having fought under the American flag and seen it folded and given to families of your friends, you are committed, as am I, to protecting the dignity of the flag and the Constitution of the United States,'' Bush told a groups of US veterans, to loud cheers. Err,... sorry? Bush's policies are trampling on the US Constitution and destroying citizen's rights. Just ask Jose Padilla.


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