September 15, 2003

Globalisation = Hegemony?

Those who campaign against Globalisation sometimes fail to acknowledge that there is really no alternative. The world is getting small and more inter-reliant, which in itself is not a bad thing. So many wars have been fought under the banners of nationalism and religion, when the underlying motivation for war was primarily financial. By locking world economies together under a fair and agreed set of rules, everybody should benefit. And wars should become less frequent. Surely a good thing.

From a developing country's point of view, the most important issues today have got to be agriculture and labour - what else do they have to bring to the table at competitive rates? But the rich countries preach "open markets" while protecting their farmers with subsidies. They talk of "emerging opportunities" while aggressively protecting jobs. It's hypocritical and it threatens to block any real progress.

How can a farmer in France produce carrots cheaper than a farmer in Brazil? How can a factory in Wisconsin build plastic toys cheaper than a factory in Indonesia? If globalisation is going to be fair, these issues must be urgently addressed. The rich countries have to be prepared to take a few short-term political hits for the long-term benefit of all. Just don't expect the Bush administration to take any political hits right now...

Developed nations today walked away from crucial trade talks in Cancun, claiming they were being threatened and even blackmailed into unwanted agreements. Although 70 developing countries opposed a new proposal for internationalization of investment, organizers still included it in the meeting's Draft Proposal. Delegates apparently have just 90 minutes to accept or reject the Draft Proposal.

It seems the US brought their new imperialist military stance to the negotiating table. As one British delegate said:

"It's difficult to know what the Americans want. They're staying in their hotel. They're behaving like the Soviet Union in the Eighties..."

What do they want? Hmnnn, could it be.... GLOBAL DOMINATION??? Bwwaa-ha-haa... Bwaaaa-HA-HA-HA-ha-haa... *Dr Evil laugh*


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