September 13, 2003

The latest news on Powell's efforts to involve international allies (or former allies) in the Iraq reconstruction process is not good. As the Washington Post reports, Powell is blaming "donor fatigue" (is this Ethiopia?) and claims the USA wants to work with the U.N. "but we can't simply cede all responsibility and authority to the U.N."

Why not? Why did you ask for help?

Bush is his usual dumb (or is it just ill-informed?) self:

"We're rolling back the terrorist threat, not on the fringes of its influence, but at the heart of its power," he said. "It's time for others to join us."

Let's hope the world remembers that Iraq was not the "heart" of terrorism till the US turned it into a terrorists playground.

And speaking of the terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrsts:

"Therapy will not work with these kind of people... Treaties make no sense. There's only one thing: Get them before they get us, to stay on the offensive."

Sure, lets all stay on the offensive. Nuke Arafat today. That will help.


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