October 14, 2003

In the Middle East, a Peace Plan Blossoms From Nowhere:

After two years of secret negotiations, Israeli opposition members have forged a draft peace accord with prominent Palestinian representatives. It will be signed in Switzerland in two weeks time. Media reports suggest the Palestinians will concede refugees' right of return while Israel will withdraw to 1967 borders, with some exchange of territory.

Naturally, resident Israeli PM Ariel Sharon has denounced the plan. Short-term politics is the curse of the modern world.

In Britain, Blair Takes Another Head-shot:

The Hutton enquiy has been recalled for a final day to take evidence from MoD head Sir Kevin Tebbit, who said Tony Blair chaired the meeting which decided to reveal the name of Dr David Kelly. This is surely enough reason for Blair to resign. It's a pity. Having lived in the UK under Thatcher and Major, I can assure you that Blair was a decent, forward-thinking leader... until he sided with Bush against Iraq.

In The USA, Powell is Still Pushing For a New UN Resolution:

The latest draft being circulated "fixes a date for Iraqis to set a schedule for writing a constitution and holding elections". Now what the #$%* does that mean? It means they set a date to set a date. What the #$%* is that worth to anyone??? Lets hope the UN tells Powell and Bush where to stick their pathetic attempts at face- and money-saving resolutions.


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