August 15, 2004

Dozens killed as US warplanes strike Samarra - Now Play the Game!

United States warplanes yesterday dropped a series of 230 kilogram bombs on Iraq's restive Sunni Muslim bastion of Samarra, killing dozens.
"After the fighting, the city's main hospital reported 25 Iraqis dead and 86 wounded, many of them women and children. At least 43 buildings and homes were destroyed, including a police headquarters and the municipality, police said."
But in case you were worried, it's OK - "The military sustained no casualties during the assault."
Whew, I thought one of those bombers might have hurt his thumb while pressing the button.

If you love war and would like to experience all the bloody excitement for yourself, you can buy the game right here:

Samarra Stryker Brigade.

Kuma Reality Games, headquartered in New York, New York, claim to build "re-creations of real-world events". Part of the hype for the above game states:
"Forces moving through Samarra in the Army's fast and furious fighting machine, the Stryker, are rendered helpless when armed insurgents do the unthinkable: snatch passing schoolchildren and use them as human shields."
I have never heard of any such thing happening in Iraq. Here's their latest release:

Mahdi Army Insurgents Crushed by U.S. Army Patrol

No wonder millions of uninformed fools are preparing to vote for Bush again.

Oh brave new world, that has such people in it...

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