May 31, 2004

Hey Kids!

Time to play a new reality simulation game: U.N. ENVOY!!

You are Lakhdar Brahimi, the United Nations envoy.

Your task is to navigate your way across Iraq in the midst of a violent upheaval and find a select group of individuals to take control of the country.

Before you start your trip, your boss, Kofi Annan, ensures that you are fully briefed on all the convoluted political issues that surround your appointment. The future of the UN is on the line!

On arrival in Iraq, you are wined and dined by the lofty US proconsul, Paul Bremer, and all the scheming members of the Iraqi Governing Council. Each one tries to subtly influence you - can you resist the pressure? Each one has a different story to tell - can you determine the truth?

You've got to get out of this craziness and meet some REAL Iraqis! You head out across the desert... That woman selling goat's milk - could she be the next Iraqi President??? That mullah with the facial tick - PM material???

Throughout the game, you must wire reports back to Geneva and anxiously await the results. Can we put real pressure on Bush? .... No, it's too un-diplomatic! But he created this mess, didn't he? ... Doesn't matter! Can't we get a real UN peacekeeping force to take over? ... Just stick to your mission, envoy!

Pressure is building! You have only days to complete your assignment and keep Iraq on track for the Bush-imposed June 30 deadline!

You announce your selection! But he turns the job down! The IGC make their own selection! They hold a press conference! The USA gives their man the nod! The world's press turn to you for a response! What do you do?! What do you do?!

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