May 16, 2004

Powell Versus Bush?

It looks like Colin Powell may have definitively broken ranks with his Generallisimo. Strangely, nobody seem to have noticed.

Powell is telling the world that the USA will leave Iraq on June 30th, if asked to do so by a new interim government.

On the same day, Bush says: "Iraq's new interim government will assume a sovereign authority... America will keep its commitment to the independence and national dignity of the Iraqi people. Yet, the vital mission of our military in helping to provide security will continue on July 1 and beyond."

Has Powell broken ranks, or is this just a good cop / bad cop routine for the world media? Powell says it is "highly unlikely" the US will be asked to leave. How would he know? 45 days from the handover and still nobody know who they are planning to hand over to...!

Meanwhile US and Israeli forces are taking advantage of a distracted media, ploughing tanks and bulldozers through Najaf, Karbala and the Gaza Strip.

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