July 21, 2004

Iran Next? Are You Kidding?

Paul Craig Roberts wonders if the neo-cons will be able to persuade Americans to invade Iran:

"Only eight of the hijackers got through Iran, but all 22 and a number of others passed through the U.S. Moreover, six months after the World Trade Towers were toppled, the U.S. Dept. of State issued U.S. visas to the dead terrorists!

If the U.S. government is not competent to prevent the hijackers from passing through the U.S. - even after the event - why is the allegation that eight hijackers passed through Iran six months to a year prior to Sept. 11 a justification for war with Iran?

... The United States government cannot control its own borders. A million or more illegal aliens sneak into the U.S. every year. The U.S. government has no idea whatsoever who or where the illegal aliens are...

Are Americans stupid enough to fall for this very thin rationale for war with Iran?"

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