October 21, 2005

Over To You, George...

Mike Moore puts Bush on the spot:
George W. Bush is not a lame duck. He is a sitting duck. He is a waiting duck. He is a lonely duck.

Will he take "personal responsibility" for the actions of his White House or will he shirk it off?

Will he apologize, admit his mistakes, hold people accountable?

Or will he sit in his Oval Office all alone -- his advisers frog-marching into the sunset -- with the weight of the world on his shoulders and, for the first time, only his shoulders.

George should address the nation. He should tell us how his closest friends and advisers took the nation to war on a series of brutal and deadly lies. He should explain his role in these lies -- was he tricked by those he trusted or was he a part of the gag?

He should turn his lonely eyes to us and come clean.

Now, right now, George has a choice to make. He can take responsibility, fire the accountable, explain himself, or he can restore honor and dignity to the White House.

Mr. President, will you step up or step down?

(Remember, George: Richard Nixon was re-elected, too.)
The whole article wraps up the PlameGate story so far and includes some good URLs, for anyone playing catch-up.

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