June 04, 2004

Desperate Bush Meddling In Oz Politics

The decision by El Busho to once again meddle in Australian domestic politics should be seen as a sign of his deperation. With Bush, Blair and Howard all on the political ropes, Bush knows his foolish invasion of Iraq is becoming recognized as the biggest US mistake since Vietnam. The loss of Australian support would only make that clearer.

When asked his opinion of Labor's plan to pull out troops, Mr Bush answered: 'That would be disastrous.'

'It would be a disastrous decision for the leader of a great country like Australia to say that 'we're pulling out,'' Mr Bush said.

No, sending in our troops and backing Bush's policy of pre-emptive war (on false premises) has been a disaster. Leaving our troops in a country where they are not wanted and cannot even guarantee their own security invites further disaster.

'It would dispirit those who love freedom in Iraq. It would say that the Australian Government doesn't see the hope of a free and democratic society leading to a peaceful world.

Changing our government and pulling the troops out would show the world that it was Howard, not the Australian people, who supported Bush's mad policies. Let's give Iraq back to the Iraqis.

'It would embolden the enemy, who believe that they can shake our will.

Who is Australia's enemy? The people of Iraq, who want us to leave? What is "our will"? Most Australians opposed and still oppose the invasion. Howard and Bush are the ones who think they can shake our will.

'They think that the Western world, the free world, is weak, that when times get tough we will shirk our duty to those who long for freedom and we'll leave.'

Australia has no "duty" to support Bush. Rather, our duty is to tell our US friends they are wrong. The West's military and economic strength is worthless if it is not accompanied by a moral vision. The so-called "war on terror" is really a war of ideas, and we are losing it by associating ourselves with Bush's morally bankrupt administration. The invasion of Iraq has been a huge PR boost to the swelling ranks of Al Quaeda, and Australia is a more dangerous place today as a result of our involvement.

Bush & Co. were outraged when John Kerry suggested he had the support of world leaders. Wisely, Kerry chose not to name those leaders, and those who support him have similarly stayed quiet. Foreign leaders should not meddle in other countries' affairs. But it is clearly too late for Bush & Co to start learning about diplomacy.

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