June 04, 2004

Pachachi abandons Iraq and goes home to London:

This is hilarious... Pachachi, the man who wanted to be the next Iraqi president, now muddies the waters by pretending al-Yawar is a US stooge (even though al-Yawar has been outspoken against the US).

Pachachi then walks away from the country, saying he has "had enough of Iraqi politics"! This is the man who wanted to be Iraqi president! He loses the vote and abandons the country!

Where does he go, you ask...?

"I'm going to have a good holiday for a couple of months and see my daughter who lives in London. We'll go to some theatre in London. We'll also visit some music festivals in Europe."


I was living in London when the newspaper headlines started shouting "Who Will Lead The Iraq Resistance?" A week later, Pachachi and Chalabi showed up... Hilarious.

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