June 06, 2004


The corrupt Australian Howard government, complicit in war crimes and guilty of stealing elections and misleading the public through repeated lies, is now making deals to increase the size of US forces in our country. Defence Minister Robert Hill is negotiating new deals with Donald Rumsfeld. Both men are currently in Singapore, escaping the stench of scandals in their respective countries.

'We want to have our forces where people want them,' Rumsfeld says. 'We have no desire to be where we're not wanted.'

News for you, Rummy: Australians don't want you either.

"We do not go around putting pressure, and I hope other countries don't either, on countries to do something that is against their interests," Mr Rumsfeld told a forum of defence officers and academics from about 20 Asian nations.

So what was Bush's recent delve into Australian domestic politics? A slip of the tongue? OF COURSE the US pressures countries, non-stop, every day. And don't tell me the Iraq War has been in Australia's "interests": we are now a major terrorist target, and we have supported the illegal antics of a rogue US regime to the detriment of global peace and prosperity. The last thing we need is biggger US military bases in our country.

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