July 07, 2004

64 Bad Things About The Bush Administration Years

I read a list of 64 bad things about the Reagan years recently, and thought it would be easy enough to put together a similar list for the last three and a half years under Bush's insane regime. So here they are, in no particular order...

1. The poetry of Donald Rumsfeld
2. Skull and Bones
3. Weapons Of Mass Destruction (WMDs)
4. “Mission Accomplished”
5. No Child Left Behind
6. Clear Skies initiative
7. Kyoto
8. International Criminal Court
9. Prescott Bush
10. Missing National Guard records
11. “Bring ‘em on!”
12. Guantanamo Bay
13. Falluja and Najaf
14. “War on Terror”
15. Jeb Bush
16. Florida
17. Hanging Chads
18. Judge Scalia’s duck-hunting trip
19. Arnold Schwazenneger’s California
20. Dick Cheney’s consistent denial of facts
21. Uranium from Niger
22. Colin Powell’s speech to the United Nations
23. The “Road To Peace” in the Middle East
24. Ariel Sharon
25. The Patriot Act
26. The Coalition Of The Willing
27. John Ashcroft
28. George Tenet and CIA “intelligence failures”
29. The Department of Homeland Security
30. “Freedom Fries” (French Fries) and “Loyalty Day” (Labour Day)
31. Paul Bremer, the "dictator of Baghdad"
32. 2002 US-sponsored coup in Venezuela
33. Office Of Special Plans
34. The Neo-conservatives
35. David Kelly and the Hutton Enquiry (UK)
36. US Removal of Aristide in Haiti
37. Iraqi "Untermenschen"
38. Poindexter’s "Policy Analysis Market"
39. US Global Empire
40. Rush Limbaugh’s drug addiction
41. Abu Ghraib prison and “Torturegate”
42. Drilling for oil in Alaska
43. Dubya-speak and the torture of the English language
44. Tax cuts for the rich
45. The dismissal of “Old Europe”
46. Jose Padilla's denial of civil liberties
47. The longest Presidential holidays on record
48. Kenneth Lay, Enron and other corporate scandals
49. The “USS Condoleeza Rice” (a Chevron oil tanker)
50. The “outing” of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent
51. The dark nemesis in the White House, Karl Rove
52. Diebold and electronic voting
53. "We don’t do body counts”
54. Ahmed Chalabi’s Iraqi Governing Council
55. The “jobless recovery”
56. The “Bush doctrine” of pre-emptive strikes
57. the Project For A New American Century
58. “Human remains pouches” a.k.a. “Transfer Tubes”
59. Oil wars
60. “Iraqification” of the Middle East
61. The explicit threat of “With us or against us”
62. Bush's fake Thanksgiving turkey in Baghdad airport
63. "International law? I better call my lawyer. He didn't bring that up to me."
64. And last but not least, that damned stupid SMIRK!

Feel free to doctor the list as you see fit and pass it on to your friends and workmates... :-)

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