July 08, 2004

The Emperor Has No Clothes - Who Dares To Say It?

The New York Times says the " bipartisan Senate report to be issued Friday that is highly critical of prewar intelligence on Iraq will sidestep the question of how the Bush administration used that information to make the case for war, Congressional officials said Wednesday.

But Democrats are maneuvering to raise the issue in separate statements. Under a deal reached this year between Republicans and Democrats, the Bush administration's role will not be addressed until the Senate Intelligence Committee completes a further stage of its inquiry, but probably not until after the November election. "

This is very, very wrong.

Cheney and the neo-cons specifically set up their Office of Special Plans to shape intelligence as they wished. Millions of anti-wr protestors around the world knew the intelligence was being carefully manipulated, cynically presented, and therefore the war was wrong. It's all very well to avoid playing partisan politics with intelligence in an election year, but to present such a report without laying blame on the White House doorstep is an abdication of moral responsibility. What do you pay your taxes for, folks?

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