July 11, 2004


What about the fact that without minutes of the World Trade Centre attacks, the White House was pressuing the CIA to connect the attacks with Iraq? Just a coincidence!!?!

What about Dick Cheney's frequent and virtually unprecedented visits to CIA headquarters? Well, they were certainly just a co-incidence, because the report actually says so! Read this:

"The committee did not find any evidence that intelligence analysts changed their judgements as a result of political pressure, altered or produced intelligence products to conform with administration policy, or that anyone attempted to coerce or influence analysts to do so."

And yet the report also quotes the CIA ombudsman describing what he called a "hammering" in the form of repeated questions by administration officials on Iraq intelligence related to Saddam's possible links to al-Qaeda. The intensity of the questioning was "harder than he had previously witnessed in his 32-year career with the agency," the report quoted the official as saying.

The ombudsman told the committee: "Several analysts he spoke with mentioned pressure and gave the sense that they felt the constant questions and pressure to re-examine issues were unreasonable."

Well, what about that? Just a coincidence?

By failing to join the dots and condemn the Bush Administration insiders who cynically manipulated intelligence for their own ends, the Senate committee is not only wilfully negligent, they are also now complicit in perpetrating the world's greatest lie.

What about all the nations at the UN? Does anybody remember how sceptical people were when Powell presented his "conclusive proof" of Saddam's WMD programs? Does anybody remember the riducule when his "evidence" turned out to be a plagiarized university thesis? The war went ahead anyway, remember?

Finally, what about the fact that George W. Bush's father was HEAD of the CIA for years, and the people who brought young George W. to the White House were old Bush 41 administration officials, business associates and family friends with close ties to the CIA? Just another #$%&ing coincidence???!

Let's not keep pretending that this war was anything other than a cynical grab for oil and power. The Emperor has no clothes and he had no clothes when he went to war. Let's stop discussing his wardrobe!!!

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