August 05, 2004

Forgotten Aussies Being Abused in Gitmo

Three former British prisoners from Guantanamo Bay have given lengthy reports about their own mistreatment by US troops. Their 115 page dossier also includes frightening accounts of the mental and physical condition of the two Australian prisoners David Hicks and Mamdouh Habib, corroborating accounts from other former detainees:

They said Mr Habib was in "catastrophic" mental and physical shape after he was tortured in Egypt following his arrest but was denied medical help.

"(Habib) used to bleed from his nose, mouth and ears when asleep ... He got no medical attention for this," the statement reads.

"We used to hear him ask but his interrogator said he shouldn't have any."
Habib's lawyer, Stephen Hopper, said the accounts come from different ethnic and different language groups, suggesting they are not pure invention. But what seems to be grabbing the media's attention is that he accused the Australian government of behaving like Nazis.

I don't care if Habib and Hicks are guilty or not - the point is, they have not been tried or convicted of anything, they are not going to get what Australians would consider a fair trial, and yet our government has done nothing for them. Such acquiescence to US barbarity shames us all.

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