Bush denies gay Saudi lover rumours: "This is an important relationship. I've got a good personal relationship with the crown prince."

Bush's romantic hand-holding walk through fields of flowers came at a time when a new poll found that women rate him anything but sexy:
In a recent online poll conducted by Esquire magazine, 11,000 women in 15 countries were asked to rate Bush's sex appeal on a scale of one to 10, and America's commander-in-chief failed to register much more than a two.The survey did not ask how many women thought Bush would make a fabulous friend.
Women in Australia, Germany and the Netherlands were the harshest judges of George W.'s sexual allure, giving him an average rating of 1.4 each, Esquire said in its survey released earlier this week.
By contrast, Indonesian women were the most generous, giving Bush an average score of 2.2; American women found their president slightly less appealing, rating him a 2.1...
In case you missed them, here are a few famous quotes from Georgie Boy:
"'Karyn is with us. A West Texas girl, just like me'
-- President Bush, May 27, 2004"
"And we'll prevail, because we're a fabulous nation, and we're a fabulous nation because we're a nation full of fabulous people."
-- George W. Bush., Atlanta, GA, January 31, 2002
"It's been a fabulous year for Laura and me." -- George W. Bush., three months after the World Trade Center towers went down.
... and a Website dedicated to answering the important question IS BUSH GAY?
UPDATE: And, as Atrios says: This is just wrong! It almost makes me wonder whether this photo-op was a set-up, designed to embarrass the Saudi sheik? I mean, it reminds me of the Abu Ghraib photos and the high-level Pentagon advice that sexual humiliation was the ultimate taboo for an Arab.... Payback time at the Crawford Ranch???
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