April 22, 2005

Know Your Enemy: So What Is A "Terrorist" Anyway?

An Italian judge has ruled that whether or not a person can be called a "terrorist" depends on their intended target.

Judge Clementina Forleo says those now fighting foreign forces in Iraq cannot be universally classified as terrorists. She warned that defining "every violent act" by irregular forces as terrorist risked "comprising people's right to self-determination and independence".
Her January ruling was seen as a legal defeat for the Italian government which has sent more than 3000 troops to Iraq and has tried, in coordination with the United States, to step up anti-terrorism policing at home.

Earlier this year, Reforms Minister Roberto Calderoli called Judge Forleo's decision "stomach turning" and Communications Minister Maurizio Gasparri said she was "extremely wrong".

She is suing them for defamation.
Gotta love them feisty Italian women eh?

1 comment:

Winter Patriot said...

If Italy were occupied by foreign troops, Roberto Calderoli and Maurizio Gasparri would be singing a very different aria!

Which one? The same one that Clementina Forleo has been singing all along.


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