April 18, 2005

John Bolton, The Madman

Daily Kos today has a report from a woman who was threatened, smeared, abused and chased down hotel corridors by Bush's proposed UN Ambassador:
"As a maligned whistleblower, I've learned firsthand the lengths Mr. Bolton will go to accomplish any goal he sets for himself. Truth flew out the window. Decency flew out the window. In his bid to smear me and promote the interests of his client, he went straight for the low road and stayed there.

John Bolton put me through hell -- and he did everything he could to intimidate, malign and threaten not just me, but anybody unwilling to go along with his version of events. His behavior back in 1994 wasn't just unforgivable, it was pathological..."
Well, what is "truth" anyway? For Bush & Co, truth is a very manipulate-able commodity. To twist the old addage: We Decide, You Report.

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