July 31, 2005

Bush To The USA: $%&* You!

It happened a couple of days ago, so you'd think it would have been news by now, right? Bush gave the press the finger, (or the bird, or whatever you wanna call it: my kids call it "the rude finger") live on MSNBC:

Now take a deep breath and just imagine if Clinton had ever done that!

Of course, the White House spin machine is distorting reality faster than the news can spread. David Almacy, from the White House communications office (looks like Almacy is first in line for Scott McLellan's job), immediately called David Avaroisi at AmericaBlog to "clarify" that Bush was actually, and definitely, giving the thumbs up sign. Thumbs up sign? That's a helll of a long thumb!

Of course, the White House know Bush flipped the press, just as you and I do. But their trick is to get people debating about whether it was really a finger or a thumb, or which finger it might have been, rather than having a debate on the real issue here.

And the real issue is that this Bush White House has so much disrespect for ordinary Americans (and let's not even talk about the rest of the world!) that they stonewall and lie to the press day after day.

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