July 12, 2005

If You Can Keep Your Head When All About Are Losing Theirs...

The Orwellian logic of the Bush regime is taking its toll on some liberal commentators, as latest postings at The Smirking Chimp confirm.

John S. Hatch admits he used to "believe all the crap America said it stood for" ...
I believed in the basic humanity of the American people, their kindness, decency, and tendency to do the right thing against whatever odds. I believed that the basic ideas of democracy and freedom were unassailable and would prevail no matter what might happen. I believed that Americans believed in basic human rights and human dignity, and that they would risk their lives to protect and preserve those values. Boy was I ever stupid!
But his grasp on reality is now slipping:
Armageddon is coming, so why give a shit about the environment? Jesus can't come until Israel is unified, so let's be nice to the murderous Ariel and help him get rid of those pesky Palestinians. Don't worry, Lamb of God will take care of the goddam kikes in good time. They either convert or they die and burn. It's God's plan. Aids is the Almighty's revenge on homos. Gay marriage is an abomination. Jerry Falwell is not. Rev. Franklin Graham is a saint. Islam is evil. George W. Bush is a deeply religious man who espouses torture, murder, and illegal war out of a deep love of the highest human values. The Prince of Light likes capital punishment, but will burn you forever if you have an abortion or help someone to die, but he wants you to kill people dead in Iraq, please, including 100,000 civilians. (When a guard at Abu Grahaib was asked how as a Christian he could participate in torture, he observed that as a Christian he knew it wasn't quite right, but given the opportunity to cause a grown man to pee his pants in fear, well, it was just no contest. God bless America.) Trust in Jesus. Up is down. In is out. Lies are truth. Fair is foul and foul is fair. We are not insane. We are not insane...
Sheila Samples asks whether the good times in the USA are over for good?
They applauded him. It was astonishing. They applauded, when they should have been wailing in anguish while collapsing under an unbearable sense of national loss. But no. Grinning like cartoon caricatures, they applauded an in-your-face war criminal -- a great deceiver who is openly intent on destroying everything that is, or ever was, good in their lives. Bush's mission will be over when the good times are over; when they're over for good -- when all that remains is broken. Broken families. Broken bodies. Broken societies. Broken cultures. Broken hearts. Broken world...

I wonder if Americans know just how close to the abyss we really are.
This follows recent posts by Riverbend and many other bloggers, asking whether we are the ones who do not properly grasp the new, FOX-sponsored, neo-conservative version of Bushworld reality. To confess, I myself have even questioned the very nature of this sick "reality" under Bush's bizarre regime. But the pendulum finally seems to be swinging, as the posts below show.

Now is not the time to waver, folks. Let's go for the jugular (metaphorically speaking, of course!).

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