September 20, 2005

The Road To Fascism

Tim Dunlop is back from holidays at The Road To Surfdom. Here's his first visit to an Aussie newsagent:

John Howard, the guy who won the last election, has arguably run the most dishonest government in the nation's history, begining with his 'core promise' bulldust in his very first term, right through to the children overboard deception and the mistakes and/or dishonesty of the Iraq war, including but not limited to the WMD fiasco; has presided over, and continues to preside over, the dimunition of basic rights in the name of a 'war on terrorism' he has helped to flame by supporting the ill-thought-out invasion of Iraq; has used our troops in an action, with barely any parliamentary debate, that has had the effect of either starting a civil war in Iraq and/or installing a pro-Iranian Shi'ite government there, and, what's more, keeps those troops there, refusing to even discuss when they might be allowed to come home; is currently using his majority in parliament to force through important legislation without debate and will soon be using it to force through without debate legislation that will undermine the rights workers have built up over the entire federal history of the country and that, in important ways, help define the sort of egalitarian society we have always prided ourselves on being--to name just a few a of the more obvious matters--and the press chooses instead to highlight and overload on what the guy who lost the last election says in his self-serving diaries.


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