September 11, 2004

This Is Unbelievable!

Three Years After 9/11: More than 40% of Americans Still Think Saddam Did It!!!:
"The latest Newsweek poll, released this week, revealed that 42% of Americans continue to believe that Saddam Hussein's regime was 'directly involved' in the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States, despite all the evidence to the contrary. That's nearly as many as the 44% who disagree.

It seems to matter little that every official federal probe, most recently the much-lauded 9/11 Commission, has debunked this myth, in high-profile reports. Yet the percentage of Americans clinging to the Iraq connection has declined only slightly in the past year. "
Editor and Publisher has some reader feedback on the apparent impossibility of educating the US public. Is it the media's fault, or are these people just wilfully ignorant?

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