August 01, 2005

Judy Miller: Dark Actors Playing Games

The Huffington Post has another great article on Judith Miller.

It's widely known that Miller was very cozy with Chalabi's INC, to the point where she regularly got deluxe accomodation in INC quaters while other reporters were holed up in rat-holes. But while on assignment in Paris for the Times, Miller also stayed at the US ambassador's personal residence.

She also seems to have had a physical relationship with the head of MET Alpha, the US Military unit with which she was embedded in Iraq. And her millionaire publisher husband is currently off cruising the Meditteranean while Judy sweats out her jail time. At the same time, she is trying to line up a book deal about her prison experience!

The comments section makes thoughtful reading too...

One poster recalls that British WMD scientist Dr David Kelly warned a friend that "dark actors" were working against him just hours before his death. That "friend" was Judith Miller. But was it really just a heart-felt letter of anguish to a "friend"? Did Kelly know Miller had CIA and White House connections? He must have known she was pushing the WMD lies, as she'd already published many articles he would have known were false. So was Kelly's email actually a plea for help? Has Miller shown that email to Fitzgerald?

As William Bowles notes, Judith Miller co-wrote a book, Germ, praising Kelly as part of the "Gang of Four", senior inspectors, who, according to Miller, got the Iraqis to reveal the extent of their bio-weapons programme.

In 1990, Judith Miller also co-wrote (with Laurie Mylroie) another Iraq book in 1990, "Saddam Hussein and the Crisis in the Gulf." At that time, Miller was a fellow at the Bradley Foundation, which is tied to AEI and Bill Kristol`s Project for a New American Century, which led the Iraq war charge. In other words, Miller was already a neocon "player" back in 1990. The book was part of their drive to war.

It all seems very dark and murky, doesn't it? But as we now know, "facts were being fixed around the intelligence". Miller must have known there was little chance of finding WMDs in Iraq: was she dragging MET Alpha to the most likely place they might turn up?

Another commenter links to this New York Metro piece, analyzing Miller's flirty character while wondering why the NYT gave her a job in the first place, then refused to hold her accountable when her stories turned out to be lies (her #1 source, Ahmed Chalabi got the blame, not Miller). The article has lots of background on Miller, from her childhood onwards. For example:
On a summer afternoon in the early eighties, Judy Miller invited her exercise-averse boyfriend Richard Burt, then the Times’ defense reporter, to watch her swim laps in the Washington Hilton pool. Afterward, lounging in the sun, Miller veered into one of her favorite lines of conversation: Does chemical or nuclear warfare inflict the most damage?
Here's another useful info link at
She is known inside the paper to be very pro-Israel. She has had an extensive relationship with Daniel Pipes' Mideast Forum. Benador Associates lists her as a speaker.

1 comment:

elendil said...

She also seems to have had a physical relationship with the head of MET Alpha, the US Military unit with which she was embedded in Iraq

You just couldn't resist using the word "embedded" there, huh? ;-)


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