October 01, 2005

USA's Iraq Strategy In Tatters

So. Only one of Iraq's 86 army battalions is ready to fight on its own. This is down from three (still a dismal figure) a few months ago.

Anti-occupier forces have infiltrated the Iraqi troops.

There are now over 500 attacks a week.

Even Retired Army Lt. Gen. William Odom, now with the neoconservative Hudson Institute, says the invasion of Iraq has alienated America's Middle East allies, making it harder to prosecute a war against terrorists:
“The invasion of Iraq I believe will turn out to be the greatest strategic disaster in U.S. history,” said Odom."


Louise said...

Still getting zero comments, I see.

Jaraparilla said...

Not any more, sweetheart. Thanks to you...


Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

Well, you're required reading for me every morning, gandhi, and often I drop in during the day/night as well, to see if you've updated - but most of what you say is so mind-slappingly depressing and awful I just don't have any words...

Jaraparilla said...

most of what you say is so mind-slappingly depressing and awful ...

Yeah, sorry about that. I probably should try to emphasize the positives a little more, like what a great OPPORTUNITY FOR CHANGE this whole so-called Presidency has become.

Here's something to cheer you up:

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the resident his daily briefing. He concludes by saying: "Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident'

"OH NO!" the President exclaims. "That's terrible!"

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands.

Finally, the President looks up and asks........ ''How many is a Brazillion??!'

Joules *Dances with Haddock* Taylor said...

Thanks - that's great.
And no, please don't apologise, these things have to be said, and said honestly, if the world is ever to change.


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