January 18, 2006

Murderous, Criminal Hypocrites

How ridiculous... how criminally hypocritical! What has become of us? How have we come to tolerate such greedy, lying swine???

Turns out that the Australian Wheat Board (government-owned at the time) was probably the single biggest transgressor of UN sanctions against Saddam Hussein (and then we invaded Iraq because "sanctions were not working", remember?).

Now the Wheat Board officials under investigation are lying through their teeth. And when evidence comes out to reveal their lies, they just change their story! Shouldn't there be some sort of penalty for misleading the share market?

Of course there should be! But who is going to enforce such a penalty? Not the morally-bankrupt Australian government who helped advise the AWB on how best to circumvent the UN sanctions!!!

Let's be clear here...

The Howard government has a history of antagonism towards the UN. Shrugging off UN criticism of its treatment of Aborigines and refugees (among other disgraces), they have consistently complained (like the Bush regime) that the UN is corrupt and incompetent.

Now it turns out that THEY were the ones who were undermining the UN!

And then they claimed that we had to invade Iraq because UN inspectors were not doing their job on WMDs, and sanctions were not working!!!

Thousands of innocent Iraqi children died slow, lingering deaths from malnutrition and hunger because our greedy government was chasing political capital and a fast buck.

If we do not hurl these fools out of office on their asses, more shame on us!

Meanwhile, in Bush's USA, politicians who queued up to receive kick-backs from the likes of Abramoff and DeLay are now shamelessly debating how best to clean up their own pig-sty! The issue of reform has become a political football before the much-needed reforms have even been debated, much less instigated! And the public nod in somnolescent condescension...

Let no one be in doubt about this: we are nations under the rule of criminals.

War crimes have been committed in our name. If we do nothing about it, we stand accused by our own governments' hypocritical logic.

Enough is enough is enough is enough is enough!!!!!


Chui Tey said...

So Australia turns out to be as corrupt as Indonesia in the race to the bottom. Maybe we should have a people's version of the history of Australia, if JH is concerned about his place in the books. Like Wikipedia.

Jaraparilla said...

As corrupt as Indonesia? Well, that's a pretty tough call... But what can I say in response?

The difference is that we Aussies have an out of control executive government, while Indonesia appears to have an out of control military.

In both cases, widespread public apathy, or tacit approval, does nothing to help the problem.

P.S. I have kids and try to avoid swearing, not always successfully. Hence the "ass" thing. They are, of course, arses.


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