July 19, 2004

How The USA Manipulates the UN

"The Bush Administration is to withhold $US34 million ($46 million) in dues from the United Nations Population Fund for the third consecutive year because the Administration believes it indirectly supports Chinese Government programs that force abortions. "

Bush's idea seems to be that the 1.5 billion people in China should all covert to Christianity and practice abstinence till their Church weddings.

As the SMH reports:

"Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, executive director of the UN fund, said the US contribution "could have saved thousands of lives" in nearly 140 countries where the fund works to prevent an estimated 600,000 deaths that occur during pregnancy, delivery and in botched abortions. The fund "has not, does not and will not ever condone or support coercive activities of any kind, anywhere", she said."

Is this a pre-emptive stike on UN funding, just in case it MIGHT be used the wrong way? The USA always manipulates the UN then blames it when things go wrong. It's time for some constructive engagement.

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