Daily Kos today posts the following pics of IAEA-sealed weapons from Al Qaqaa, which Bush is still claiming may have been removed before US troops arrived:
Oops. Looks like those embeds with the 101st in Iraq got pictures of the very same high explosives that later went missing. All of it captured on tape by the Minneapolis/St. Paul ABC affiliate.Here's another link to report from a TV Crew who were in the area at the time. By the sound of things, US troops cut through padlocked gates, discovered tons and tons of boxes marked "Explosives" and then just drove off, leaving the Al Qaqaa compound unguarded and not even locked while "Iraqis were coming and going freely."
The explosives were there. Now they're in the hands of terrorists.
Thanks Don. Thanks George. You're getting our people killed.
Update: You want IAEA seals? Well, KSTP has IAEA seals.
This is it folks. Conclusive proof. Case closed.
Time for Bush to explain how his war planning gifted terrorists with (at least) 760,000 pounds of high explosives to use against our troops and god knows who else. "
Kos also has a pic from a GOP campaign advert, showing photo-shopped relicants in the thronging crowds:

As a Kerry spokesman said, "Now we know why this ad is named `Whatever it Takes.' Well done, Kos.
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