July 02, 2005

Bush's USA: Internationally Isolated

Bush's coalition buddies are starting to realize they've been had.

With Italy pursuing the CIA's abduction of an Islamic cleric in Milan, PM Silvio Berlusconi has angrily demanded "full respect for Italian sovereignty".

But Tony Blair's latest moves on climate change are more indicative of a global shift that leave's Bush's USA isolated on an increasing number of major issues. Blair is pushing the G8 to isolate the USA on climate change after the Americans refused to endorse the following key passages in a declaration:
Climate change is a serious and long-term challenge that has the potential to affect every part of the globe. There is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring and that human activity is contributing to this warming.

... we know that we need to slow, stop and then reverse the growth in greenhouse gases to reduce our exposure to potentially serious economic, environmental and security risks.
Now, that is hardly explosive stuff. It is the basic premise stating that man-made climate change exists. Bush refuses to acknowledge even that, not because it isn't true, but because it would be bad for business:
"Kyoto would have wrecked our economy. I couldn't in good faith have signed Kyoto," Mr Bush said.
So once again, in Bush's USA, business comes before truth. Viva el Fascismo! Viva El Busho Loco!

PS: My own part of the world has just been hit by massive flooding, even though we are still in the grips of the longest drought in over a hundred years. But who are you gonna believe - the world's #1 criminal or your own lyin' eyes?

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