September 12, 2005

Four Years Of Madness

Once upon a time in a land far, far away, the neoconservative authors of the Project For A New American Century wished for a massive disaster that would create the perfect conditions for their ideological plans. When tragedy struck their country on 9/11/01, it was all that they had hoped for. They quickly set their plans in motion, launching one war after another, sending a message to the world that US Empire was here to stay.

"Freedom is on the march!" they cried, ignoring the irony of such a statement.

Soon they had wealth and power beyond their wildest dreams. They boasted that they had the power to change reality, to create their own realities, and for a time it seemed they could be right. But the wars dragged on. For some reason, foreigners did not seem to want this American Empire. As more and more people died, even people in the USA began to wonder about the value of this global military empire.

"Weren't these wars supposed to create peace?" they asked, ignoring the irony of such a question.

And then another tragedy struck...

The thing that is sticking in my mind right now is a news report I saw yesterday, saying something about how only a small percentage (about one in ten, I think) of the New Orleans dead were actually killed by the hurricane. The vast majority of the victims, according to medics on the scene, are people who died in the days after the hurricane, from thirst or lack of prescription medicine. That's totally unforgiveable.

As Bush tries to link Katrina to 9/11 for his own sordid purposes, Josh Marhsall concludes that there's "one conclusion I think any fair-minded person would have to come to":
And that is that in the four years to the day since 9/11, the administration appears to have done little if any effective planning for how to mobilize a national response to a catastrophic event on American soil.

And given all the history that has passed before us over these last four years, that verdict is devastating.
Same conclusion from Juan Cole:
Four years after September 11, al-Qaeda's leadership should have been behind bars or dead. Four years after September 11, Afghanistan should have been stabilized. Four years after September 11, the government should have been ready to save lives in an urban disaster.

Bush recently started likening his poorly conceived and misnamed "war on terror" to World War II.

What his handlers have forgotten is how long World War II lasted for the United States.

Four years.
All this beaurocratic incompetence surrounding the New Orleans disaster effort is not really so puzzling. It can all be explained by one simple thing: the Bush Gang have never been serious about this whole "War on Terror" stuff because THEY MADE IT ALL UP.

Sure, Arab terrorists hit the WTC on 9/11, but it was the Bush Boyz who created the whole "War On Terror" narrative out of that. As Kurt S. Woltz, an American Airlies pilot who had AA Flight 11 on his flight schedule that day, says:
I remember President George W. Bush standing on the pile of rubble that used to be the WTC, with his bullhorn, his arm over a New York City firefighter, proclaiming to all that the United States will get whoever did this to us and bring them to justice. Instead, it became an opportune moment for him, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz to pursue their own agenda, which they had when they came into office and were dying to execute. George W. Bush used 9/11 as an excuse for his personal war in Iraq; and, as it turns out, is not serious about the "War on Terror" at all.

... As we know now, there was no evidence to back up the "mushroom cloud" statement and proceed with starting the war in Iraq. No WMD, no proof of a purchase of uranium from Niger, no aluminum tubes, no mobile weapons labs, no proof of coordination with al-Qaida, no imminent threat to the United States, and no mission accomplished.
The key to understanding everything that has followed 9/11 is that Bush & Co created and manipulated facts for their own greedy, ideological and political purposes. So while the media was breathlessly reporting about WMDs and Orange Alerts and Worst-Case Scenarios, Bush and his friends were playing golf, riding bikes and clearing scrub. While US voters have been arguing about how to best "Support Our Troops", Bush and his friends have been channelling billions of dollars of public money into the war machine. And who owns that bloody machine? Whose profits increase every time Congress gives the nod to another massive payload? Bush and his friends. It's the world's biggest scam, folks, the biggest scam ever.

And now we have another disaster which, to these immoral swine, is just another opportunity to make money. Now, while armed men go door to door in New Orleans, threatening to kill people instead of helping them, Bechtel, Halliburton, KBR and all the other Corporate Bush Buddies are already in town with their snorts deep in the corporate trough. We even have the astonishing sight of privatized Blackwater mercenaries in New Orleans. Do you know who these people are? Do you have any idea?

And to top all that off - as if that wasn't enough! - we have Donald Rumsfeld trying to sway the narrative by announding that the USA is now planning pre-emptive strikes using nuclear weapons. Who dares call him a madman?

Four more years of this shit is simply unimaginable, even three years is no longer even remotely acceptable. These people have to be stopped now.

As the blogosphere is now screaming, it's time to impeach Bush.


Steve said...

It's not our president's fault Katrina blasted into the south. Bush has done much to help that region, there is only so much one man can do to people that didn't want to leave the area. As with any natural disaster there is no way of predicting what will happen. What if Bush had ordered the region to evacuate and the hurricane had done nothing? You would be writing an entry telling Bush off for being so finicky. Instead of attacking Bush why don't you ask yourself what you have done for your country?

Jaraparilla said...


Maybe you're just saying that because you're an Aries. But hey! - I think dolphins are awesome too!

Winter Patriot said...

Hi again Gandhi... I thought this was an especially good post and it has been quietly "immortalized" here ... let's hope it makes as much of an impact on the streets as it did on my monitor! Cheers, mate, and keep up the great work.


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