September 09, 2005

Powell Must Tell All Or STFU

Colin Powell on ABC News about the Iraq WMD lies and that UN presentation:
"It's a blot' on my record, Mr Powell said in an interview with ABC News. 'I'm the one who presented it on behalf of the United States to the world, and (it) will always be a part of my record. It was painful. It's painful now.'

Mr Powell spent five days at the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters ahead of the speech studying intelligence reports, many of which turned out to be false. He said he felt 'terrible' at being misinformed.

He did not, however, blame then CIA director George Tenet. Mr Tenet 'did not sit there for five days with me misleading me,' he said. 'He believed what he was giving to me was accurate.'

However some members of the US intelligence community 'knew at that time that some of these sources were not good, and shouldn't be relied upon, and they didn't speak up,' Mr Powell said.

'These are not senior people, but these are people who were aware that some of these resources should not be considered reliable."
Powell seems to know exactly who he (at least) holds responsible for the Iraq WMD lies. I can't see any reason why he shouldn't tell the whole world who these people are. Given their record, is he trying to protect them so they can do it all again on Iran?


elendil said...

I can't see any reason why he shouldn't tell the whole world who these people are.

I can name one of them. His name is Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi. But I think that it would be a unfair to blame him for lying to the American public considering the, uh, pressure he was under at the time.

Jaraparilla said...

It seems to me that Powell is talking more about people within the Bush administration. If he says these are not senior people, it's more likely he is talking about the neo-conservative coterie: Douglas Feith, etc. People who had no real defined role in government, but nevertheless dragged the US into war by the short and curlies.

The thing is, there is no reason at all for Powell to protect these people. Surely a good TV interviewer could draw the names out of him - Powell is obviously desperate to get this off his chest once and for all!

Do we have to wait for the #$%&ing BOOK DEAL, Colin?

Jaraparilla said...

PS: Powell is now talking up the blame game on Hurricane Katrina and being named as a possible "czar" to fix the problems. Hmmn...

Wadard said...

Hey Gandhi, Thought you would be pleased with this news:

the Bulldog Manifesto's call to action:

The time has come. It's time to stay on point. The blogs need to unite around a rallying cry of "IMPEACH BUSH." As of this post, the term "impeach bush" is the third most popular search term at Technocrati.

I could never respect Powell again.

Wadard said...

The third most popular term on technorati. The grass roots is erupting into wild-fire. Is rebirth around the corner?


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