March 20, 2004

Coalition of the Wilting:

"Polish President, Aleksander Kwasniewski, said on Thursday that he felt 'uncomfortable due to the fact that we were misled with the misinformation on weapons of mass destruction'. "

The Honduran government has also indicated that it's troops will depart at the end of their mandate in a few more months.

"Another US ally, South Korea, yesterday cancelled plans to send troops to the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, citing US pressure to take part in "offensive operations" that are contrary to Seoul's mission of peaceful reconstruction."

As TomDispatch writes, the "coalition" in Iraq has been "nothing less than an international black joke, though no one in the mainstream American media seemed to think so. The Kazakhs (27), Estonians (46), Filipinos (96), Mongols (130), Azerbaijanis (150), Thais, (451), Spaniards (1,300), Poles (2,500), and Italians (2,950), among others, have added up to a strange imperial legion of occupation.

"Almost all of these forces, ranging from the symbolic to the microscopic, represented interests that had absolutely nothing to do with Iraq itself or even a commitment to any sort of new Middle East. "

Given the Spanish pullout, Tony Blair's shaky political ground and Australian PM John Howard's elections due later this year, the coalition of the "willing" could soon be even more of a farce.

Perhaps these governments are starting to realise that going against the wishes of 80% - 90% of your population is not a good idea after all.


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