March 25, 2004

Condi Has Already Said Enough

Remember how hard it was to get any White House folk to agree to show up for the 9/11 inquiries, which are currently underway? Bush will only give the inquiry ONE HOUR of his time, and Condoleeza Rice only agreed to appear in person after sustained pressure from committee members. But while she is offering only limited time to the inquiry, Condi Rice has already appeared on five talkshows since Dick Clarke released his new book damning the White House for ignoring Bin Laden.

In one interview, Ms Rice said: 'Dick Clarke was counter-terrorism tsar for a long time with a lot of attacks on the United States. What he was doing was - what they were doing apparently was not working. We wanted to do something different.'

IE, we wanted to invade Iraq. The bottom line is, 9/11 did not happen on Clinton's watch, or while Clarke was in control. So much for "something different".

BuzzFlash reminds us that Condi has already said enough about pre-9/11 warning of "hijackings" which were ignored by a Saddam-obsessed administration.


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