March 07, 2004

Bushes Desecrate The Dead

Dubya's tasteless use of 9/11 victims in his campaign ads is part of a long family tradition.

Grandpa Prescott Bush famously dug up the scalp of the Indian warrior chief Geronimo and put it on display in Yale Univesity's Skull and Bones club, where it remains today.

And according to, Daddy George Bush, Sr., "had the badge of officer Eddie Byrne, who was gunned down in South Jamaica, and he stood up at Christ the King High School in Middle Village and held it up and said he would have this badge on him forever. Some chance. Bush then led high school girls into insane cheers for the death penalty.

Now, right off, this second George Bush came up with the badge of a Port Authority cop, George Howard, who died. He was from Hicksville. His mother gave Bush the son's badge. When Bush came back to the trade center a year later, he reached into his pocket and whipped out that badge and he had a tear in his eye."


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