August 26, 2005

US Democrats: Looking For A Leader in 2008

Former Democratic Presidential wannabe Gary Hart asks his fellow Democrats the big question: Who Will Say 'No More'?
History will deal with George W. Bush and the neoconservatives who misled a mighty nation into a flawed war that is draining the finest military in the world, diverting Guard and reserve forces that should be on the front line of homeland defense, shredding international alliances that prevailed in two world wars and the Cold War, accumulating staggering deficits, misdirecting revenue from education to rebuilding Iraqi buildings we've blown up, and weakening America's national security.

But what will history say about an opposition party that stands silent while all this goes on? ...

To stay silent during such a crisis, and particularly to harbor the thought that the administration's misfortune is the Democrats' fortune, is cowardly. In 2008 I want a leader who is willing now to say: "I made a mistake, and for my mistake I am going to Iraq and accompanying the next planeload of flag-draped coffins back to Dover Air Force Base. And I am going to ask forgiveness for my mistake from every parent who will talk to me."

Further, this leader should say: "I am now going to give a series of speeches across the country documenting how the administration did not tell the American people the truth, why this war is making our country more vulnerable and less secure, how we can drive a wedge between Iraqi insurgents and outside jihadists and leave Iraq for the Iraqis to govern, how we can repair the damage done to our military, what we and our allies can do to dry up the jihadists' swamp, and what dramatic steps we must take to become energy-secure and prevent Gulf Wars III, IV and so on."

At stake is not just the leadership of the Democratic Party and the nation but our nation's honor, our nobility and our principles. Franklin D. Roosevelt established a national community based on social justice. Harry Truman created international networks that repaired the damage of World War II and defeated communism. John F. Kennedy recaptured the ideal of the republic and the sense of civic duty. To expect to enter this pantheon, the next Democratic leader must now undertake all three tasks.
Let's just hope and pray the next Democrat contender is not another Skull and Bones man. We need much more than that now.


Jaraparilla said...

Nice to have so many well-considered comments! Not!!!!

Cu'cullen said...

Get a grip!
Stop wondering why the commiecrats can't get it together and reread your article(canned diatribe)the answers are within.
It's loaded with desperate liberal rhetoric. With the info at hand, the whole congress agreed not just the NEOconservatives (convenient memory lapse eh! - typical.
Wasting the greatest military in the world - The Clinton adminastration decimated the Military - remember - oops forgot, the memory lapse thing.
Yeah, right! Homeland Defense - The whole damned Army.
The rest of the world (I assume you mean Europe)who we fought and died to free from Nazis let us down (real busy robbing the oil for food program - stealing food/medicine $$ from sick Iraqi children)
Blah blah blah - Read Ann Coulters book "How to talk to liberals - If you must"
Quit trying to be a 60's era hippy (photo)and get with the program, it's a different time/situation that you won't understand cause you weren't there.

Jaraparilla said...


With the info at hand, the whole congress agreed not just the NEOconservatives

The neocons engineered the misleading "intelligence" which was presented to Congress and the UN as solid facts. Democrats should have known better of course.

Wasting the greatest military in the world

As opposed to what? Killing people?

The Clinton adminastration decimated the Military

I guess you mean they cut funding? Er, didn't Clinton get a surplus somewhere along the way...???

Read Ann Coulters book "How to talk to liberals - If you must"

Oh, I get it. Come on, where's the camera....???!

Quit trying to be a 60's era hippy (photo)and get with the program, it's a different time/situation that you won't understand cause you weren't there.

I was there, actually, though I was only five. The first words I read in public were on a newspaper billboard: "Beatles Split Up". I had to ask my Mum what Beatles were.

But enough about ME! ... Let's talk about you miserable childhood.


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