August 08, 2005

Voting Reform: There is still an 800 pound gorilla in the room that only a handful seem to be talking about...

1 comment:

Winter Patriot said...

Yep. Anthony Wade is exactly right. I would phrase it differently, though. Rather than saying "there's a gorilla in the living room", I'd say "there's an elephant in the voting booth".

Some of us have been trying very hard to bring this story into the light, but we have more trouble getting people to take this issue seriously than we do with any other issue. And I can't figure out why.

It appears that the majority of Americans now accept that the "president" deliberately lied the nation -- and the world -- into a horrible war. A large portion of the American public now seems willing to accept that Bush and his friends were complicit in the events of 9/11. But somehow there still seems to be a general reluctance to believe that they would stoop so low as to rig an election -- or three!

If you have any ideas on how we can garner a little more traction for the notion that the American electoral system is broken, we'd all love to hear them. Or read them. As the case may be.


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