August 10, 2005

Whither The Big Badass Bases?

One big question that doesn't get asked anywhere nearly as often as it should: when is the Bush administration going to commit itself to at least the intention of a complete withdrawal of US force from Iraq, including their fourteen or more massive military bases?


Winter Patriot said...

The question doesn't get asked because we all know the answer: NEVER!

French said...

Why the need for hyperbole? Of the 14 bases that are getting hardened (do you really prefer tht our soldiers be operating out of tents?), most of them have less than 5,000 troops. These are hardly "massive". In the end, the idea is to consolidate them into four bases.

Is it right that we have four permanent bases in Iraq after the bulk of the troops withdraw? This is a valid point of debate.

Is it right to harden the tent facilities that soldiers are operating out of now? I have less of a problem with that.

Do we need to classify a facility that houses 500 soldiers as massive? I think that tends to sound kind of silly.


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