January 19, 2006

Neo-cons Keep On Neo-conning

The New York Sun gives some column space to these air-heads.

From his ivory tower of academia, Michael Rubin blames the fools on the ground:
The Bush Doctrine is correct, but the implementation is lousy.
Ron Dermer, co-author of Sharansky's "The Case for Democracy", says elections are the problem:
I think if I have any criticism, it's that the whole doctrine has come to mean having elections as soon as possible, and that's not what this is all about.
Got that? Democracy without elections, that's what it's all about!

Michael Ledeen wants more war:
What I've always said is that you cannot win a regional war by conducting it in just one place. With regard to Iraq, our failure to deal with Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Iran, and just focus on Iraq by itself was doomed from the beginning. And I said that before we went into Iraq.
In his latest article, Ledeen calls the current state of affairs in the MidEast an "embarrassment", says Jack Straw is "pathetic" and anyone else who thinks things will change without lots more bloody US-sponsored violence is guilty of "wishful thinking":
You want sanctions? When have sanctions ever "worked" against hostile countries? Did they bring Saddam to heel?
Well, sanctions did stop Saddam getting WMDs, didn't they? And sanctions might have even helped get him over-thrown by his own people, if our own corrupt governments were not so busy subverting their own UN program with back-door payments to the dictator.
We should want to help the Iranian people, who are overwhelmingly pro-American, and bring down the mullahcracy, which is our outspoken, fanatical, and bloodthirsty enemy.
Sure, those "overwhelmingly pro-American" Iranians are probably stock-piling rose petals right now, in blissful expectation of a US invasion! Haven't we heard all this before? Sure enough...
For the central problem represented by the Islamic republic of Iran is terror, not technology. Iran is, and has been for decades, the driving engine of the terror war against us.
Dammit, George! We invaded the wrong country!

To back up his arguments, Ledeen quotes no less of an authority than (wait for it...) Mohammed Fadhil!

And if that's not enough to convince you, here's Ledeen's pitch for a bloody attack on Iran, which would surely result in millions of deaths:
So why not start now? The Iranian people may be ready. We won't know until we try... How about it?
Sorry, scumbag. We do know the outcome, because your crazed ideology of violence has already been tried, and found wanting.

1 comment:

Jaraparilla said...

Shows how jaded I am getting. When I saw that the URL which greykangaroo supplied was an Op-Ed in Rupert Murdoch's "The Australian", I decided against reading it.

Patel's review confirms my doubts.

Not that you never read anything worthwhile in the Australian, just that the odds are against it, particularly when it comes to editorials and opinion columns.

And of course the fact that Murdoch is half-Jewish and outspoken in his support for Israel has NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!


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