February 22, 2004

Same White House Crims, Same Game Plan...:

"Bush needs lots of NASCAR dads to win in November, and staging a photo op at the 'Great American Race' was a masterstroke. But it's not an original idea. In fact, Bush's Daytona trip has a historical precedent: Richard Nixon's December 1969 journey to to a football game in Fayetteville, Ark."

The USA badly needs to address the fact that millionaire pro-Nazi Fascists were not properly routed and punished after WWII, nor were Republican White House criminal dealings fully exorcised by Nixon's resignation or the Iran-Contra hearings. The germ of corruption, which was not destroyed, countinues to flourish. Worse yet, the Republican host seems to be developing an increased tolerance for the disease.

There are lot of guys behind Bush - especially Rumsfeld and Cheney - who remember an awful lot about serving in the Nixon White House.


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